For inquiries regarding business transactions or employment with our Hamana Engineering, please contact us by via the following inquiry form.

Inquiry Form






Company Name*Required

*If you are making an inquiry as an individual, please write “Individual.”

Email Address*Required

Postal Code


Telephone Number

Inquiry Details*Required


Privacy Policy

Hamana Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, “the Company”) will handle personal information acquired through our business activities as follows.

1. Acquisition of Personal Information

The Company will acquire personal information appropriately and without falsification or other illegal means.

2. Use of Personal Information

The Company will use personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the following purposes. We will obtain prior consent from the individual before using personal information for purposes not specified below.

  1. (1) Responding to requests for estimates and inquiries, and sending of materials
  2. (2) Shipping of ordered products
  3. (3) Providing information about seminars and various products and services

3. Safe Management of Personal Information

The Company will take necessary and appropriate measures to safely manage the personal information handled by the Company, including preventing the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information.

4. Consigning of Personal Information

If the Company consigns all or part of the handling of personal information to a third party, the Company will conduct a rigorous investigation of that third party and provide necessary and appropriate supervision of the third party to ensure the safe management of the personal information entrusted to the Company.

5. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Company will not provide personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the individual, except as required by laws and regulations such as the Personal Information Protection Act.

6. Disclosure, Correction, Etc., of Personal Information

If an individual requests disclosure of their own personal information, the Company will promptly disclose that information. If the Company is unable to confirm the identity of the individual, the Company will not comply with the request for disclosure. If there is an error in the content of the personal information and the individual requests correction, addition, or deletion, the Company will investigate and promptly respond to these requests. If the Company is unable to confirm the identity of the individual, the Company will not comply with these requests. If you have any of the above requests or inquiries regarding handling of personal information by the Company, please contact the Company at the following address/number .

Point of Contact

General Affairs Department, Hamana Engineering Co., Ltd.


Please feel free to contact us
if you are interested in doing business
with us or working at Hamana.